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Tara Kiene
Position: Staff reporter

A vaccine call to action – how to talk to hesitant friends and family

First, a call to action for anyone who has not been vaccinated for COVID-19: The time is now to protect yourself and your family. It has never been easier to get the vaccine, and...

The world could use more people like Edith Prentiss

The world lost a leader last month. Outside her home community of New York City, the loss of her flame was hardly noticed. Yet she and disability advocates across the nation have had and con...

Building bridges to better health – Public Health Week 2021

Each year, Public Health Week is a chance to celebrate and reflect on the outstanding service of public health workers and their contributions to keeping our communities safe and healthy. Pu...

Time to change the narrative

On March 1, Community Connections and the local disabled community participated in Disability Community Day of Mourning, honoring the memory of disabled victims of filicide. In the past five...

San Juan Basin Public Health’s 1-year anniversary of COVID-19 response

With the one-year mark of San Juan Basin Public Health’s emergency response to COVID-19 at hand, we are looking back over the course of the last 12 months to reflect on the impact of the pan...

The old normal was only working for some in the population

As the new vaccines begin to surge into the arms of our friends, families and neighbors, many of us are starting to envision what life after COVID-19 may look like. The pandemic has changed ...

The complex endeavor of COVID-19 vaccine distribution

The COVID-19 vaccine is finally here! This is great news and builds hope that we will at some point get back to our lives. Most importantly, the vaccine will save lives and reduc...

It’s time to reframe our perception of disability

I once had a dance teacher who swore that some of the most innovative dance moves were created by dancers with injuries that prevented them from doing a move correctly. What they created to ...

Pandemic disproportionately impacts students with disabilities

This ongoing pandemic has caused challenges across all sectors and in everyone’s lives. Yet, we know that within each sector, the impact has not been equal. School closures and sh...

Celebrating gratitude during a global pandemic

This year’s Thanksgiving was markedly different. Many of us followed the vital public health protocols to limit celebrations to those in our households, upending generations of tradition cen...

Annual Festival of Trees goes virtual for 2020

I suspect our 2020 hindsight will be something along the lines of “well, that was different.” Everything is abnormal this year: our elections, our health concerns, our work situat...

Health insurance more important than ever this year. We can help

In today’s world, more than ever, everyone should have the protection of health insurance. The current COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how major medical events can happen to a...